Team: Sam Buck, Ashley Kang, Jacob Crock
Project: We developed a set of 6 fully illustrated pitch boards and concept art for a hypothetical animated film we developed. We ensured that all of our art adhered to the style and look of the environment, character, and prop designs we created as a team. This challenged us to work with other artists and adapt our own art styles to create a cohesive set of concept art to pitch.
Concept: The Dragon Outcast tells the story of Aelaria, a young dragon princess in a war-torn civilization who is forced out of her kingdom for being half-human, allowing her to meet true friends who help her fulfill a prophecy and mend the age-old conflict between humans and magical beings. 
Character Turnaround Sketch
Character Turnaround Sketch
Character Expression Sketches
Character Expression Sketches
Prop Turnaround Sketch
Prop Turnaround Sketch
Prop Design Sketch
Prop Design Sketch
Pitch Board Sketch
Pitch Board Sketch
Pitch Board Sketch
Pitch Board Sketch
Environment Design Sketch
Environment Design Sketch

Final Environment Design by Sam Buck

Final Character Designs by Ashley Kang
Final Prop Designs by Jacob Crock

Pitch Board by Ashley Kang

Pitch Board by Sam Buck 

Pitch Board by Jacob Crock

Pitch Board by Jacob Crock

Pitch Board by Sam Buck

Pitch Board by Ashley Kang

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